Sunday, April 6, 2008

What to do now?!?!

So, I had an idea of things that I could do around the house that would help pass the time while Shasta was away. But, my obsessive compulsiveness took over! I finished all of them today. I'm not really good at letting my to do list carry on for any extended amounts of time. When I have things to do, I do them as quickly and efficiently as possible, that way I don't have them hanging over my head the next day. Otherwise, I can't relax or much less sleep. Typically, this is a good thing, but now I HAVE NOTHING LEFT TO DO!!!! Here was my list:

Wash Shasta's Car (check)
Wax Shasta's Car (check)
Clean the bathroom (check)
Vacuum the couches (check)
Clean my gun (check)
Wash clothes (check)
Clean the kitchen (check)
Empty the dish washer (check)
Wash dishes (check)
Balance check book (check)
Update the blog (check)

Well, I guess I will have to look around for other things to do. Maybe caulk the bathrooms, who knows?

It's still day 1 of 14!!!!


Anonymous said...

Brad you are welcome to come over and complete Clete's honey do list anytime! I will even pay you with dinner! HA HA!

Bobby said...

Shasta is gone only one day and already you're "cleaning your gun"...