Monday, March 10, 2008

Planes, Trains and Hotels

Booked my flight (thank goodness for Continental One Pass Miles) so it was free, less all the fees. Shasta's flight was included in her scholarship award package, as well as, a two bedroom apartment for 15 nights in London's South Kensington Neighborhood. We will definitely be taking advantage of this in London.
We also received our EuRail Passes. We will be traveling from place to place by rail, and first class mind you. We also have an overnight journey, which we reserved a 2 person sleeper compartment, should be interesting.
On a side note, our neighbors, Brian and Kacye will be in London while Shasta is there. They plan to stay at her apartment for a few days, which will be great to break up Shasta's expected loneliness.

Below is our itinerary:
3 days in London, England
4 days in Paris, France
3 days in Lucerne, Switzerland
3 days in Munich, Germany
2 days in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
1 days in Brussels, Belgium